Hello and Welcome

How does one pick an anniversary for a business? The date you registered your business name? Signed-up for a tax number? Got your business cards printed? It all feels so arbitrary at the beginning, with various milestones pilling up quickly. I’ve decided my official anniversary day will be the date of my first Instagram post, a sort of digital ribbon cutting, if you will!

All that to say, Plural Projects has officially turned one 🎂 and I’m treating this as an opportunity for an introduction, a reflection on the past year, and my goals for this creative business going forward.

For those that don’t already know, Plural Projects is a full-service architecture and interior design studio, with a focus on creating spaces and experiences for slower, more intentional living. You can read all about me here.

I personally like the vagueness and all-encompassing nature of the word projects in the name, as a way of including for so much more than just the built form. For me, architecture and design is about building spaces for community and engagement, whether that is around a dining table in a home, through a public event, or in the third places of our urban environments.

This past year has brought me so much learning and insight, through my meetings with clients, collaborators, and colleagues. Despite the moments of doubt, this is exactly where I'm supposed to be, developing a creative practice that resonates with my values and outlook on architecture, design, and life.

I hope this studio gives me the opportunity to test creative ideas with forward thinking clients, collaborate authentically with other designers, and engage with my surroundings in a meaningful way.

So, please check out my projects, follow my Instagram, pass my info along to friends & strangers, and drop me an email with any questions/projects you have in mind/words of wisdom, and I look forward to sharing this journey with you.

As a teaser, here are some images from my own home renovation, the project that launched it all, and you can see all the hoarder house/construction progress here 👷‍♀️⚠️

All my best,